Contact us for an appointment:
Tel: 083 707 9725

The presence of hearing loss can severely affect a person’s quality of life. Hearing does matter.

That is why at Strauss Audiology we offer professional hearing care suited to a person’s individual hearing needs.

Upon visiting the practice, you will be seen by the owner of Strauss Audiology, Sybrand Strauss and you can expect the following services to be available: A comprehensive hearing evaluation to establish the presence of hearing loss, hearing solutions in the form of hearing aids and assistive listening devices, communicative strategies and solutions to hearing related needs as well as hearing protection. You can expect an environment where your hearing needs can be discussed in comfort and where expert advice will be given aimed at improving quality of life. The service is warm, friendly, efficient and specific to unique individual needs.

Our hearing protection entails the following: Protection for motorcyclists, swimming plugs, plugs for use while sleeping, hearing protection for musicians, in ear monitors, protection for occupational noise exposure, hearing protection while shooting, as well as any hearing protection specific to a person’s needs. These products are available in a universal option or a custom option designed specific to a person’s ear.

At Strauss Audiology our focus is ensuring that hearing does matter.

S. Strauss / BSc. AUD (UCT)
PR: 0415111